
Oh wow! What a sweet thing to do! Cyn, I hope Don's gift reinforces for your mind what I've said for a long time. You touch people here every day, whether you know it or not. You were, and still are, the primary reason that I settled in to BYC. Your kind words and compassion are such a guiding force for many of us. Yours truly included!

Kudos to you Don for such great timing and thoughtfulness! And now I wanna know where you got that gift box. I know a few people who would really enjoy something like that for Christmas! :D
I've always loved the face of an Orp girl. My experiences with them, so far, have all been good. Their nature, at least around me, has always been one of calm dignity and peaceful co-existence with other members of their flock, regardless of breed. And that shows in their faces. Just look at each of those girls. Sweet! Sweet! Sweet!
Well, I wouldn't call any of my Blue Orp hens "sweet". Most of the Buffs have been sweet, but the BBS have all been divas of the highest order, LOL. Hope thinks she is blue rather than buff because she is a screamer if you try to catch her: Don't touch me! You're touching meeeeeee!!!!!
WOW!!! Thats exactly how my blue orp. Elizabeth sounds when I pick her up. My Buffs are better about it. My black one is quiet and gentle acting but is the quiet leader of my flock. She, Faith really surprised me in that. They all have a little English in the mix. I got them from joletabeye, Beth. I think the moma hens came from you,Cyn. The Roo was 75% English. They all have the hugh bussel. Good mommas and setters. Esp Faith. I now have only one buff, Sunshine, She is hatchery but does have a sweet face . In all this yr,. I am starting with 12 hens for the winter, part pullets and part older hens. For the first time I have two true Am.s. A wheaten pullet and a wheaten roo. They are young and I don't really expect her, Peaches to lay until spring. But cuddly the blues aren't Sigh! But they are beautiful DIVAS gloriaJean
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Right now my Lav orps are on strike. They aren't that good as layers to begin with. I will most likely dump them come spring. I think I'll go back to Buffs. These are from Jody and they may look nice but they don't lay worth a darn. Small to medium eggs when they do lay. We'll see next spring if they improve.
Had a big scare a few days ago big Red Tail Hawk was after my chickens I'm glad i was out there..They are mad at me because they can't free range till Hawk leaves the area.They even cut back on my eggs.
It was so darn windy today! Must have had 45 mph winds most of the day. Started out at 35*, too.

Had two cups of tea today: Pomegranate Oolong and Paris. The Paris sounded odd, but ooh, it was so wonderful! The scent was heavenly and the taste, oh, mama! I asked LH if it would translate to a soap scent. It is black teas with currant, caramel and citrus.

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