
when you use the tilt method did you mark one side of the eggs so you know that you tilted to the other side of the egg and it didn't go back to the same position? I'm glad the incs are doing well for you! Have a blessed day. Nancy
What I do is have a white board and a dry erase marker in front of the bators, and when I tilt I write which way they should be tilted. I frequently check to make sure that they are all tilted correctly. Your eggs are all in bator #1, with my Delaware/Rhodel eggs from Cindiloohoo. I also put one of my Silkie eggs in there, because in the other bator I didn't have room.
I moved them out to the larger (slightly) brooder in the new coop today. It was very hot so they probably won't need any heatlamp in the daytime in a few days. And in a few days, I'll have to move them to the main coop area since, boy, do 44 chicks poop lots!




The first brooder they went into was only 24 x 36 and 18" tall. This one they're in now is about 27 x 39 and about 29" tall +/-, so just a few more inches of space. In a few days, I'm sure they'll have to go in the actual 8x8 coop.

The crew:

5 BBS Rocks
8 Barred Rocks
5 EE's (dont think I got any pure Ameraucanas, but time will tell)
3 Silver Laced Wyandottes
3 Blue Laced Red Wyandottes
4 New Hampshires
9 Buff Orpingtons
7 Belgian D'Anvers
What a neat mix of chicks! Congrats!

Um why did someone warn me that moving 50 ponds of sand to cover a run was well umm - EXHAUSTING! LOL It is done and they wont even walk on it! GRrrr

84 degrees here folks - mowed the pastures now the flock is out there digging and foraging and eating moles! Having a blast!

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