Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

Just a quick question. My one goose(not sure if its a goose or gander) started off with dirty ruffled feathers half way up its neck but today it was pecked raw and looks like there was a little dried blood! I don't know if its from breeding or if they are picking on him/her and also whatcan I put on it to discourage further damage and help it heal? Thanks!
It looks like I am going to have 2 ganders to re-home. A smooth breasted lavender form Holderreads' elite lines, and a white curly from a breeder in TN (that may also be HWF). Its quite obvious now that I have 2 same sex couples. Will sell them cheap, or trade for eggs or something....I'm really mad at myself for driving 7 hours to get 3 ganders

Open to suggestions- if anybody has ideas....I am building a second goose house, but it is to seperate the toulouse from the sebs.
I cant remember what they called them. Either splash or paint but Im shooting towards a splash. I really like it. I was told to breed it and every baby will be full feathered not smooth chest. I have not bred this one yet-Still young and a first year. It will breed this month im sure. Not sure of sex yet. Got it as a gossling.

I have seen speckled ones (not sebs though) like that before- I think it might be sex-linked?
How do these guys do in our wet weather? I've been contemplating getting a pair for a year or so, but I wasn't sure how well those curly feathers repel water. What's been your experience?

I cant remember what they called them. Either splash or paint but Im shooting towards a splash. I really like it. I was told to breed it and every baby will be full feathered not smooth chest. I have not bred this one yet-Still young and a first year. It will breed this month im sure. Not sure of sex yet. Got it as a gossling.

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