Sebastopol Geese Thread !!!!!!!!!! SHOW YOUR PICS !!!!!!!!!!

sorry for the double post...
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Kansas Kid- Very cute goslings. Love the pic of them with their necks intertwined. Are your geese all white? I am confused on the whole down color and sexing white birds thing? I have two goslings that both have a grey back and grey kind of mottled cap? Are they both boys?

Have another question, I have one gosling with kind of a wonky leg. It got stuck in the shell, had a humidity malfunction during hatch so I picked it the rest of the way out but it has one leg that turns out kind of up at the hip joint area. Seems to be comfortable and active but I am wondering if goslings can have their legs taped like chicks to straighten something like this out? Or will I just have a wonky legged goose? Thanks!
Cute babies!

I have a question. Sid has gotten nasty since Nancy started laying. They went broody yesterday, they have 6 eggs. Is he going to get worse when they hatch? For how long?
Nasty as in dirty looking or mean? My gander is both lol. He has done nothing but stand in his designated part of the yard and honk at everyone and when your back is turned will charge after but doesn't bite. Hoping they will return to their normal sweet selves after breeding season.
My sebbie gander is a sweetie all the year except about 3 months during breeding season. He is okay if I face him and even bend down and offer him my hand. He wont bite it he just hisses a little and shakes his wings like he is mad, but knows he can't take it out of me. If I turn my back he will come after me, so I don't do that. My geese now have goslings, and he is very protective, but still wont challenge me. I think you have to find the balance in your relationship with your gander. But yes they should go back to normal at about May.
Good luck!
Their is a big difference between the leg sizes of male and females. We got our sebestopol Gibby and our domestic Goosey-lucy when they were 16 weeks and their was a major difference between the leg sizes. The male had the same lenght legs and the same size foot but the leg was chunky. The Honking the geese do is also different, well for my geese anyway. The males sound is high pitched where as the females is solid and deep. Hope this helps cheers Naomi :)
I just bought 6 sebastopol goose eggs! I got them on Friday and I set them under a couple of my ducks on Saturday. I cant wait to see how many are growing when I candle in a few days.
Here are a few pics of the Sebbie pair I picked up from CelticOaksFarm. They are so sweet and friendly. The male is the larger one and he is the biggest rambunctious klutz ever and a major cutie. The female is demure and a little shyer than the male and a sweetie. I can't believe how big they got in the last few weeks. The male is bigger than most of my laying hens lol. Had to take their little leg bands off they have grown so much.


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