Sebastopol Goose Eggs, LAYING NOW, Get on List!

I am trying to order/pay for sebastopol eggs but it keeps giving me pilgrams. How can I change this?
I am clicking on the sebastopol "buy now" button, then paypal comes up with pilgram invoice and $35 to pay for pilgrams. So, I clicked on Pilgram "buy now" thinking maybe they were switched and again got Pilgrams.
I would like to know the same thing as I'm very interested. I'd love to have some of these geese but buying adults is EXPENSIVE around here. lol.

I've never incubated goose eggs before though.

How long does it take till hatching?
Turn 3x like chickens?
The eggs have been fertile and I started shipping them last week. I have about 10 orders to go out so far. It will probably take about 2 weeks or so to catch up and it appears the "girls" are doing their duty! lol!!

You should get on the list when you can. The Sebs don't lay as long as the Pilgrims do, but the Pilgrims have barely started. I'm about to go out and squeeze some Pilgrim butts! hahaha!!

You can paypal to terryrune @ (take out spaces of course). When you pay with Paypal, be sure the correct shipping address is on there or at least send me an email with it.


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