Sebright Bantam Hen Suddenly Aggressive?

The Avian veterinarian I took my rooster to for a check-up on New Year's Eve recommended I feed him mash, rather than crumbles or pellets, because he is a chowhound. The vet's thinking was that he couldn't eat as much of it at once as pellets. He said he thought my roo has a genetic tendency to overstuff his crop. This was because the day I took him to the vet the rooster had gotten into the wild birdseed that had dropped to the ground and had a very puffy crop. Scared me silly, but I was glad I found a good avian vet I can trust, should future need arise. And he charged only $35.00 for the visit, which I thought was very reasonable. He told me my rooster is a very good boy.

However, since I feed him rooster food, I do feed him pellets, because I haven't been able to find it hereabouts in mash form. He does prefer the mash, though, since that is what I fed him when he was tiny and he sneaks into the hens' bowl of laying mash when I'm not on my toes. He said not to wet the mash because it would make it too heavy in his crop, pulling it down, and we don't want to have to put a bra on the rooster. He said there are special bras cockatiels wear that can work on roosters who suffer from pendulous crop. So far my rooster doesn't have pendulous crop. I hope he never gets it. It is common in Buff Orpington hens, and I do believe his Mama was a Buff Orpington. There is a picture of my rooster as a chick in my Avatar.

Buttery Blanche was a very bad girl today, but she has good taste. I let the chooks out to free-range longer than normal this afternoon, and she snagged a prized mammoth sunflower I was babying. My she has good vision and fast reflexes! I'll bet her next jumbo egg will be extra tasty and nutritious!

The chickens like to eat lespedeza while free-ranging, and I saw Baby the rooster enjoy some Hoary Cress, a type of wild mustard.
Wow. Apparently the flock has Coryza now.
Someone told me that my chicken is allergic to the medicated feed. It was kinda odd, seeing she's always been fed that.

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