Second burglary and almost all my birds dead!!!

This just makes my blood boil. I can only imagine what you are feeling right now. Outrage, grief, disbelief and yes, fear. If I were in your place, I would be calling the district attorney's office tomorrow and tell them what has happened. Tell them at this point you are fearful for not only the safety of your property and animals but the safety of yourself and your family also. I would ask them to set up surveillance either officers or cameras on your property to catch the perpetrators because once caught you intend to prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. They have hit twice, they will be back.

You are paying for these services through your taxes. Time to make good on your investment. Whatever you decide to do, please be safe and good luck catching these scum bags.

Thinking off the top of my head that a news story might be a good deterrent as well, but I could be completely wrong about that. Purely a suggestion. So many chickens, just crying here....Local humane society etc. Just thoughts...don't mind me....Local animal control should be involved, etc etc. Oh dear Lord.

Then ya know cause of what I used to do for a living, I am quite aware that people hurting animals like this can be quite dangerous... so they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. It is a very bad sign.

Please keep us updated if you can. I will keep you and yours in my thoughts and prayers.

At least we know that there's a dark truck with teens and paper plates the sheriff is going to be looking for to "investigate". Its been over 3 weeks from first burglary and they had "no leads" they said. I bet if this was the other way around I would be in jail for premeditated murder if I would of stayed and blast their heads off and done it as a plan or cruelty to animals if I would of killed the stray dogs here in the subdivision, no questions asked just cuffed and headed to jail. Since its not like that, its we'll investigate and have you updated....
Don't you have the Castle Doctrine there in Texas?

I know one thing you do have-- ADT. I would be contacting them tomorrow and have them put up cameras on your property. I went through a similar thing once with a neighbor from hades and finally had an ADT system put in as that neighbor was coming on my property and letting my dogs out. They said if having the signs posted didn't solve the problem then they would put up cameras. Once the trespassers are caught on camera, their hind ends belong to ADT. The installer said they never loose a case.

Frankly, I also think going to the local news would be a Jim Dandy idea. The problem is, that the local police have bigger fish to fry than somebody's chickens being killed. Around here the cops tell people "that's farmer business, settle it amongst yourselves" and basically leave them out of it. But your local news, TV and paper are always looking for human interest stories and back yard flocks are in fashion right now. Plus the police do not want bad press.

I also think it's time to sit out on the front porch and clean the old shot gun-AR or 30-06, whichever you prefer, smile and wave at everyone that goes by. Sooner or later that dark pick up truck is going to get brave and drive by again.
Don't  you have the Castle Doctrine there in Texas?

I know one thing you do have-- ADT. I would be contacting them tomorrow and have them put up cameras on your property. I went through a similar thing once with a neighbor from hades and finally had an ADT system put in as that neighbor was coming on my property and letting my dogs out. They said if having the signs posted didn't solve the problem then they would put up cameras. Once the trespassers are caught on camera, their hind ends belong to ADT. The installer said they never loose a case.

Frankly, I also think going to the local news would be a Jim Dandy idea. The problem is, that the local police have bigger fish to fry than somebody's chickens being killed. Around here the cops tell people "that's farmer business, settle it amongst yourselves" and basically leave them out of it. But your local news, TV and paper are always looking for human interest stories and back yard flocks are in fashion right now. Plus the police do not want bad press.

I also think it's time to sit out on the front porch and clean the old shot gun-AR or 30-06, whichever you prefer, smile and wave at everyone that goes by. Sooner or later that dark pick up truck is going to get brave and drive by again.

Starting Feb 1st our subdivision will officially be within city limits as the city has annexed 6 miles on the east side to then city.

1. A branch of the police dept will be on this side of the city , which means there will be police units taking care of this side of the city which means faster call responds within a cpl of mins instead a cpl of hrs with the sheriff dept.

1.Higher Taxes
2. Livestock Policies will be in order so ill have to see how many chickens we'll be allowed to have since it won't longer be county.
I'm so sorry this happened a second time. I guess it's a good warning to us all to be very careful about what we post on social media. I have thought of posting things for sale on our local FB groups, but I was warned by others in our crime watch group that this sort of thing happens in our area as well. Again, so sorry this happened. I really hope they catch the people who did it. I think the suggestion of security cameras are very good and maybe post some by the gate so you can get plate numbers or vehicle descriptions. We've had many people caught in our area mostly due to these cameras people are putting up (caught many porch package thieves this way).
I am so sorry this happened. Check the State poultry regs. See if you can legally shoot the dogs if you catch them in the act. We can here in PA. Also see if the perps are liable for all losses. They are here in PA. Figure out the monetary cost to you . Keep it and records behind it on file. If they catch them you can sue. What an awful thing to happen. I an so very sorry! Got hunting freinds with trail cameras? Do you have labeled pics of al the birds for evidence?
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These thugs are likely to return IMO. Security camera and a neighbourhood leaflet drop explaining the crime and senseless slaughter and the local police number, is what I'd do.
Someone will see or recall something...even hard folks draw the line at slaughtering defenceless chicks for sport. Also the neighbours will wonder if their property is next for these brazen thugs.
One day those thugs are going to cross the wrong person then heaven help them cause no one else will.
fwiw. I am sorry for your losses. I agree with everyone that a camera sounds like a good idea. I also had a neighbors dog get 2 chicken @ a month ago. Luck has it my wife was out there and managed to grab it and lock it up till I got home. Lets Just say that I hope never ever that I need to do that again but that dog had its last chicken dinner that day. In MO I'm not sure of the laws but if its killing my livestock then I give myself the right to do as I please. Of course I do live in the country and this really is not that uncommon around here.(to take matters in our own hands)

I have a network security system that records 24/7 and covers all areas of my property. We have Castle Doctrine where I live. If it were me that this happened to, I'd park my car in the garage and close the door. I'd dust the lenses of all my cameras, make sure there's enough space available on the harddrive, clean my .44, and then post on FB that I'm going out of town for a couple of days. It wouldn't be the first time we had to take care of things ourselves because the police didn't want to be bothered.
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