Self-esteem: Zero

Punk, you're a great friend! You were one of the first people to say something nice to me on this forum, and there hasn't been too much of that. I still remember. :p
Nobody's perfect, if other people have a problem with that it's their loss for not getting to experience all the good parts! It's ok to be discouraged, nobody has to be upbeat all the time. Gee, I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle more often than not. :lol:
I hope you feel better! :hugs
Thanks so much Fierlin.
I'm feeling so much more even-keeled now, but it was a good reminder that maybe I need to actually face and address these things (scary conflict!) instead of trying to avoid and bury them as when I do have a bad swing it all come tumbling down at once! Hope you don't just win that battle, but completely crush the enemy. X)
Thank ya punk, nice to have some encouragement once in a while. I feel sometimes that with a good poke in the back I might be able to get started again. I am accused quite often of burying my head in the sand, but some things you learn over time I guess, one step at a time! :p

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