Sell me on a bird

Once i upgrade the coops, i’m going to get more birds. Now just gotta decide which. So what do you think? Turkeys, ducks, pheasants, peacocks? And why do you think that?
Get a couple of each :)!
I have one coop split into pens and separate pens and I have chickens, ducks, geese, and turkeys. Each has their own pen within the coop.
I raise turkeys and chickens. If you want healthy turkeys, get a Heritage breed as they don't have all the issues of the heavier Broad Breasted varieties. I have Standard Bronze which I raise for Thanksgiving birds.
I would opt for turkeys or Guinea fowl. Turkeys are good for meat and eggs (seasonal layers), and Guineas are good for meat, eggs and tick control (if free-ranged), not to mention they are all just plain entertaining to have around. Peacocks and pheasants require more space management, ducks require water. If you don't have a decent sized pond and use kiddie pools, be prepared to drain, rinse and refill daily as water fowl create foul water. Also, both peacocks and Guineas can be quite noisy. I raise turkeys and chickens in large yards next to each other, and sometimes raise the chicks and poults together (if hatching at the same time) until the turkey poults get bigger than the chicks. I'm in No. CA and have never had crossover disease issues.
Ducks! (I'm very biased though).
Ducks are messy around water, but they complement chickens well when free ranging as they will eat different things - mine eat grubs and ticks and other unpleasant grass-dwellers, and don't disturb the earth the way the chickens do.
I'd recommend a large docile breed to start with. Cayugas are great but my Silver Appleyard is far and away the calmest of my mixed flock.

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