Senior Hen flicking leg, seeking pain management


Sep 16, 2021
My oldest hen has been flicking her left leg behind her as if she was stuck on something. This started over the summer, so I moved her to my handicap run. At that point it was only occasional, and I wasn't too worried, figured it was aging.
As of a couple days ago, the leg flicking has increased to every couple of steps.
I'm not currently concerned about quality of life, as she seems quite happy otherwise, eating/drinking fine, and likes hanging out with her other old lady friends.
I am 99% sure that this is age-related inflammation, I can now feel slight swelling in her left leg, no fever. I have been researching anti-inflammitories that I can give her at home, and I'm seeing Aspirin suggested. She's wiggly and hard to weigh, but definitely 4-5 lbs. I want to start her on a low dose, 1/2 baby aspirin 2x daily(~40mg in ea. half) with supplemented plain yogurt, cultured buttermilk, or probiotic supplement to help keep her gut healthy.
Of course if this doesn't help, I will for sure take her to a vet and see if they can put her on meloxicam. I previously wouldn't have been able to afford that (college student lol), but I can now.
I was hoping for any input others might have on if this is safe? I was previously under the impression that aspirin was unsafe in long-term use, but I'm seeing plenty of people saying otherwise. The thing is that if this is chronic inflammation, possibly arthritis, then she will likely need to stay medicated for the rest of her life. She is 9 yrs old, but given her state as of now, I give her 1-3 more years(I've had a chicken live to almost 12 with no serious issues, and most of mine live at least past 7)
I don't know if aspirin would be safe to give for that long, any advice is appreciated!
Kicking a leg when there is some arthritis pain can be common in older chickens. Do you see any swelling of the hock or ankle joints? Videos uploaded to YouTube may be helpful. I don’t recommend giving aspirin for more than 2-3 days, as it can cause GI bleeding. If you see any blood in the poop, stop it. Vets usually prescribe meloxicam for short term use of pain and inflammation. Other vet prescription drugs that may be used are carprofen and others. They could even try a steroid or prednisone.
At her age, long term effects of aspirin are not going to be a significant risk. Get the 81 grain chewable aspirin. She can have one whole tablet in the morning and another whole tablet in the evening.
I think I will start her on a really low dose for now, just really trying not to risk anything, thank you!
Kicking a leg when there is some arthritis pain can be common in older chickens. Do you see any swelling of the hock or ankle joints? Videos uploaded to YouTube may be helpful. I don’t recommend giving aspirin for more than 2-3 days, as it can cause GI bleeding. If you see any blood in the poop, stop it. Vets usually prescribe meloxicam for short term use of pain and inflammation. Other vet prescription drugs that may be used are carprofen and others. They could even try a steroid or prednisone.
There is some swelling up in her knee joint that I can feel. I'm starting on 40.5 mg aspirin once a day for now, and hope to get her into the vet within the week.

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