Serama chick not growing

Mar 28, 2024
Hi! So this is my first time raising seramas and we got 4 chicks about a week and a half ago. There is one chick who has not grown at all and all the others who were the same size are now almost double her size. She is lethargic and only gets little bursts of energy. Is there anything I can do for her? We already have the chick boost for her water and we have just started giving them egg yolk. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Some things are just beyond our control. In groups of baby chicks,, there will be those that just don't thrive. Just hope for the best. As long as not being picked on by the others,,, no need to separate. I assume you have a heat source in your brooder. 2 week old chicks should be receiving about 90°F warmth. Reduced by 5°F every week. Just try your best:hugs

WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and :welcome
Hi! So this is my first time raising seramas and we got 4 chicks about a week and a half ago. There is one chick who has not grown at all and all the others who were the same size are now almost double her size. She is lethargic and only gets little bursts of energy. Is there anything I can do for her? We already have the chick boost for her water and we have just started giving them egg yolk. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Good morning! I have one that is 11 days old and hasn't grown either. Did yours make it? She was pushed around so I put her in an incubator alone and yesterday another 6 hatched. I put the six with the one who hasn't grown and she's the same size as my day olds. I'm hoping to hear if yours made it and mine has some hope.

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