Serama hatch part 3 (and a few odds and ends!) Hatch a Long

I can always finish her eggs in the incubator? Idk. I just thought they'd do well with a broody. I only have one broody though so it's either hope she takes the Seramas, or put them in my brooder tote duplex. (Which now has a camera and two lids)
Duplex may be a safer option. Maybe let Dolly finish brooding. She’s doing so well! My suggestion… brood the teeny Seramas separate.
Thanks Fluffy. 🙂 I just really don’t want to give Elfen any bad advice. I totally brood all of my incubator Seramas away from the existing flock… until they’re grown… then I go through the whole lengthy integration process. I do the same with my Serama broodies and their chicks.
Just to clear a few things up. You're thinking oh giving her the serama chicks now, not in a week, right? If so, yes, she might accept them. Unfortunately you won't know for sure until you try it. Size isn't likely to be the reason she rejects them
Yes. They need to come out the incubator either today or tomorrow. Def by tomorrow as the older 3 will be on day 3.
Just to clear a few things up. You're thinking oh giving her the serama chicks now, not in a week, right? If so, yes, she might accept them. Unfortunately you won't know for sure until you try it. Size isn't likely to be the reason she rejects them
And if I wait a week will she take them if they are small? Or is it other factors to why she wouldnt?
And if I wait a week will she take them if they are small? Or is it other factors to why she wouldnt?

No, size isn't really what makes or breaks the deal. It's maturity. At 1 week, they are far too active to tolerate being under a broody that hasn't left the nest. After the chicks hatch, (or newly hatched chicks are placed under a broody) the broody takes anywhere from a couple of hours to a couple of days to leave the nest. One week old chicks would have wondered off way before that point. The chicks have also grown quite a bit, so they might not even recognise her as the mother. On the flip side, she might see them and realise that they're older, and hence, not hers. That last one doesn't play out well

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