Serama House Chickens

That's neat you raise Seramas. I love my "Seramas" (I was told they are Seramas but I know they aren't pure.)

Do all of yours live indoors? I bet that is entertaining. I think I can probably only get away with one indoor cockerel. (He frequently contributes to the remote work meetings šŸ˜¬šŸ“.)

Thanks for joining and welcome to BackYard Chickens!
Hello all! My name is Rachael I raise Seramas with my family. We have been doing this for roughly three years now and have even amassed a following on instagram check us out!

We specialize in raising very sweet friendly chickens to be kept as pets! Our babies have been placed all over the east coast as indoor and outdoor chickens and all have raving reviews as sweet cuddly little things!
I often come here for answers and help with questions I have from hatching to sickness and everything in between. Thanks for taking the time to read and I look forward to being a part of this community!
Beautiful chickens!! Welcome!

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