Seriously? Breaking Broody


Free Ranging
Oct 18, 2019
  • My name is pretty girl
  • I am about 1 year old
  • I am a sebright/d'uccle bantam mix
  • My owner is newer to chickens (especially broodies)
  • I lay about 8 small eggs and then go broody
  • I do some hard time in broody jail and reluctantly snap out of it in 3-6 days, not before
  • During this time I complain to my rooster, consistently, about all of my discomforts and unwillingness to act normal
  • About a week later I resume normal egg laying procedures along with a happy attitude and positive outlook
  • 8 eggs and 10 days later I CAN and I WILL brood again
Cycle repeats
She is wearing me, herself, and my rooster out! Just because I hate putting her in the cage, which is now pretty much kept in standby mode. Will this let up at all during the upcoming winter months, or are we stuck in this endless broody loop for the rest of time?
That sounds tiring. It’ll probably subside in the winter. In the meantime you can always give her fertile eggs and let her hatch them. Or let her set for a few weeks and give her 1 or 2 day old chicks to raise.

I recently had a breakthrough with our Delaware who likes to go broody once in a while. I discovered that if I show her a cherry tomato (her absolute favorite treat) she’ll snap out of it and voluntarily leave the nest to come get her treat. This may repeat once or twice a day but seems to break her in a day or two. YMMV
Are you taking the eggs away from her daily? Also and I know most people here aren't a fan of my method. I will fill a bucket and sit my chicken in it for a while or even dunk them really quickly. I do this because I live in Phoenix where in 115 degree weather broodiness can kill them and I can't hang them in a cage for 2-3 days with this heat.
Are you taking the eggs away from her daily? Also and I know most people here aren't a fan of my method. I will fill a bucket and sit my chicken in it for a while or even dunk them really quickly.
Yes, I take the eggs away within an hour or so of her laying them. Currently she is not laying, just grumpy and sitting around. I'm willing to try anything! Cherry tomatoes, bucket if the weather would just warm up again!

I got tired of the jail scenario, so gave her away.
She never went broody again.
I have a rather small run, and am trying to avoid more coop cleaning with more birds, and definitely don't want more males!
Her agenda is certainly not lining up with mine.
I just realized that once my hens brood, no more eggs. But not just that. If the chicks hatch, then for another 8 weeks, NO EGGS.
I will definitely not be the soft-hearted mama next time, but the steely bitch. I want eggs, not chickens.
Sorry for your indecisive hen. Get a silky to brood-hatch those eggs for you.
🤣 Yes! I'm with you and protest against broodies in my flock!

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