Set eggs February 12th! Hatch a long with me!

Congratulations on the rocking/peeping SpeckledHen and SquawkBox!
My eggs got put into lockdown today too (Day 18). Mine aren't rocking or peeping, should I be worried? Is this normal?
I never seem to have any chicks hatch before 23 days - sometimes up to 24 days. I have eggs set on Feb 7 and 8 and Im expecting them to start hatching tonight or in the morning. I do err on keeping my temps on the cooler side because of a fear of "cooking" my eggs maybe thats why they take longer. If Im going to be gone from the house for the whole day, I will turn the temps down a little because my LG has a tendency to spike at times.
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Movement and sound varies. Invariably, a couple will rock the day I lay them on their sides. Sometimes, the ones that are about to pip are quiet and still, like the calm before the storm. It doesn't mean anything, one way or the other.

I never allow eggs to go past Day 22. Most of the time, there is a reason they should not get out of that egg and at times, it isn't pretty. I don't want late hatchers--most of the time, those just don't hatch. Remember, they continue to grow in the egg, if they are still alive, and eventually, will just run out of air if they can't maneuver to get out.

LG's are famous for temp spikes, especially the still air ones. They aren't really reliable bators, overall.
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So exciting to hear everyone is in lockdown....I'm jealous!

As for the LG's, those are all I have but I imagine there are sooo many better ones out there.Mine I do have to kind of "babysit". I check the temps 5-6 times a day easy, sometimes more! I am fortunate that someone is always here to check them even when I am not so I think that's why they have been working ok for me so far.Any errors have really been human

I do have spiking temps though, so i believe that is true about the LG's.This happens even when i am not heating with wood. I should clarify and say that I have the bators in a room with an electric heater to help regulate the temps in the room. What happens is depending on how hot the next room over gets, it can effect the temps in that room, causing a drop/spike.
So my eggs are even MORE expensive to hatch around this time of year as I have an electric heater running 24/7 as well.
Thanks for that info, SpeckledHen. My eggs are in cartons to hatch, in case I haven't mentioned that yet. Pointy end down. How is your little pip doing?

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