Severe bumblefoot


Apr 3, 2023
Somehow i can never escape bumblefoot, however with having a busy work weeks i just haven't noticed that one of my girls seems to have a case of severe bumblefoot?
I cant feel that its hard at the top its mostly squishy but there is like just one spot that is hard enough. The bottom also is soft and squishy not hard at all. Should i treat it the same? should i actually cut it and see if i can get the 'corn'. she isnt limping and can actually run just as fast as always pictures down bellow

I think I'd try PRID (drawing cream) on that, both sides. Then cover it with gauze or something like cheesecloth, very breathable, and use a bit of Vet Wrap or similar to keep that covered.

This is an great article about bumblefoot and the author discusses more serious treatment.

I'd try keep her off her feet in a box or cage for a couple of days so that keeps her foot clean and then you can see how that's working easier too.

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