Sex-Link Questions


Jan 10, 2025
Looking at creating a sex link dual purpose chicken. Would an American Bresse crossed with a Rhode Island or New Hampshire work like crossing a Delaware and Rhode Island? Also, would the offspring have some of the meat benefits from Bresse?
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Looking at creating a sex link dual purpose chicken. Would an American Bresse crossed with a Rhode Island or New Hampshire work like crossing a Delaware and Rhode Island? Also, would the offspring have some of the meat benefits from Bresse?
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

I'm a little surprised that there have been no responses to what seems like an otherwise good question.

I know not all "white" hens can be used to make red sex links using a red or gold rooster. One thing I see as a possible issue is that American Bresse may be either dominant or recessive white.. Bresse breeders suggest breeding only dominant white.. and this would hide other colors.. according to my current understanding.

I am unsure about meat qualities.. but do imagine it to be somewhere in the middle, for first generation crosses.

Alternatively, American Bresse do come in different colors.. black and blue, even splash I believe.. Those could be sex linked by using a barred hen, such as Rock or Cuckoo Maran (or many others, Bielefelder etc).. all males would have a white spot on the head at hatch, being black or blue barred at maturity and females would be solid black or blue at hatch and maturity depending on which color male was used. (with no white spot on the head at hatch and no barring upon maturing.. noting both colors and genders may have white underbellies at hatch).

I wonder if @Amer or @NatJ are able to weigh in here? TIA.
Since American Bresse are dominant white they most likely have the silver gene so in theory a Bresse hen crossed with red male would make for some red sex links but I have no idea if that would work in reality.

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