
5 Years
May 21, 2018
San Andreas, CA
Over the past year I've been trying to hatch my own backyard version of blue egg layers, utilizing my crested cream legbar rooster, buff orpington and ayam ceyami hens. This last batch of chicks hatched out with unexpected down colors, and I'm wondering if they might be sex-linked.
First gen crosses of CCL rooster and BO or AC hens were were definitely not sex-linked, they all had white fluffy spots on their heads. All grew up with either buff/black barring or black/white barring, all female.
This time, I hatched eggs from the first gen offspring crossed back to the CCL rooster. Some of these chicks have white spots with light colored down, while others have no white spots and darker down (solid black), and one is chipmunk/brown patterned (similar to female CCL chick).
I'll attach pics below... Is it possible these second-gen chicks are sex linked ? I know barring is passed down from only one gender, which I can't recall right now lol, but I had the impression that sex-linked chicks are not possible with a barred roo and solid hen... But did I flip the odds by breeding the barred hen offspring back to the barred roo?
Thanks ahead :)
IMG_20200103_115235.jpg IMG_20200103_115539.jpg IMG_20200103_115052.jpg IMG_20200103_115832.jpg IMG_20200103_120109.jpg IMG_20200103_120549.jpg Chick down examples, I'm thinking the solid black and "chipmunk" patterned might be females, the lighter with spots on the head male?
So by breeding your barred hens to your barred rooster the male chicks are double barred while the female chicks are dark barred. There is a slight difference which CCLB colours are meant to amplify and since these chicks are 75% CCLB you can likely sex most of the chicks by colour. Darker chicks are probably female and lighter ones are probably male.
So good news is yes youve hatched autosexing chicks, bad news is they are basically just slightly more variable crested cream legbars rather than something new.
I'm into the same generation with different crosses using the Legbars. The difference is I bred hybrid to hybrid since I didn't retain any pure legbars. So I'm getting a split where some lean more legbar and others swing more to the other parent breed.

I have some barred hybrids out of a different cross that still has Legbar, between the barred hens and the barred rooster I'm getting Blue Barred and Black with head dots on the boys.

It's so fun to play with this! I added in a walnut comb through another breed and now I'm getting to where there's winter proof, sexlinked Olive eggers popping out.

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