Sex linked? Cream legbar roo x Lavender Amerecauna


Over egg-sposed
Premium Feather Member
Jul 29, 2023
Florida Panhandle
A few days ago, I asked about a cream legbar hen and Australorp offspring. Today, a chick hatched that I know is from an Lavender Amerecauna. The father is either a cream legbar rooster or an Australorp rooster. The hatchling is mostly black with a white dot. To my knowledge, neither cross is a sex-link. Why would this chick have a dot on its head?

It is under its broody momma right now and I cannot get photos ATM. But it looks almost identical to the cream legbar Australorp crosses. Any insight appreciated.
The other way around would be sexlink. I do not no if this way around is but it could be
Ok. That's what I thought. It's got a dot on its head like the other two and they all look the same! I guess I'm gonna have to wait for the sex-link chicks to grow up to know who is who.
A few days ago, I asked about a cream legbar hen and Australorp offspring. Today, a chick hatched that I know is from an Lavender Amerecauna. The father is either a cream legbar rooster or an Australorp rooster. The hatchling is mostly black with a white dot. To my knowledge, neither cross is a sex-link. Why would this chick have a dot on its head?

It is under its broody momma right now and I cannot get photos ATM. But it looks almost identical to the cream legbar Australorp crosses. Any insight appreciated.
Your Legbar rooster has barring so all of his offspring will have barring and hatch with the headspot.
:goodpost: What Moonshiner said. The chick has a white spot on its head because it is barred. Whether it is male or female is not apparent based on the barring, it is equally likely to be either.
Your Legbar rooster has barring so all of his offspring will have barring and hatch with the headspot.
Thank you. In that case, the cream legbar rooster is definitely the father. I hope it's a girl. The other two are sex linked and pretty sure they are male. Cream legbar mother - Australorp father. Dots on the head. It's too bad they all look the same! If it's a hen it should lay some pretty eggs.

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