Sex linked Maurans??


14 Years
Jul 9, 2009
Hello! I bought several chicks from local farm store. Was told the black chicks with feathered legs were maurans. One of the black chicks had a yellow spot on his head, so I thought that may be a sex-linked rooster… I needed a rooster, so snatched him up. He was the only black chick with a dot on his head. All of these, supposed maurans, had feathering on their feet. Anyway, I am curious if maurans can be sex-linked? I have read answers in forum of, yes and no.. So, I am posting pics. What do y’all think?
Note: I have also found info that black sex-link roosters have some red feathers, and that is how you can know they are adult sex-linked roosters. The post I was reading was not referring to mauran sex-linked chickens, it was referring to black sex-linked chickens. My black hens, and the cuckoo mauran(?) rooster, have slight feathering on legs. Does that make them sex-linked maurans?? Hens are not quite old enough to start laying, but soon! Will be interesting to see if eggs are dark brown. 🙂 Any thoughts?


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Hello! Your pullets look like they could be black Marans, or possibly black copper and they haven’t gotten the copper feathers in yet. Your cockerel is either a cuckoo Maran with a lot of golden leakage or a golden cuckoo Maran. As far as I know, Marans are not sex-linked. The dot on his head as a chick simply meant that he would be barred as an adult. Female cuckoo Marans also have head spots as chicks. :)
Sex-linked Marans can exist.

If someone crosses a Cuckoo Marans hen (has white barring) with a Black Copper Marans rooster (no white barring), they will get sexlinked chicks. The sons will have white barring, and the daughters will not.

It works for any pairing of mother with white barring, father with no white barring, and overall color dark enough that you can see the difference between the two.

Whether the males have red leakage depends on what other genes are involved. The specific parents used for commercial Black Sexlinks do tend to produce leakage in the males, and also red leakage in the breasts of females. Some other crosses would produce sexlinks with no leakage.

(I see several other people replied while I was typing this, so some of what I said is overlapping with some of what they said.)
Hello! Your pullets look like they could be black Marans, or possibly black copper and they haven’t gotten the copper feathers in yet. Your cockerel is either a cuckoo Maran with a lot of golden leakage or a golden cuckoo Maran. As far as I know, Marans are not sex-linked. The dot on his head as a chick simply meant that he would be barred as an adult. Female cuckoo Marans also have head spots as chicks. :)
Thank you, I didn’t know that! That IS interesting. I thought that I was most certainly getting a rooster, because of the dot on his head as a chick. I am glad he turned out to be a roo! He is just starting to crow and talk to the girls! 🤗
There are sex linked Marans offered by the hatcheries. One brand is called Dominant Coppers. Males are barred, females aren't. They are a cross of a black copper Marans male over a cuckoo Marans female.
Thank you for the info. I will look up sex linked dominant coppers to see what they look like!
Sex-linked Marans can exist.

If someone crosses a Cuckoo Marans hen (has white barring) with a Black Copper Marans rooster (no white barring), they will get sexlinked chicks. The sons will have white barring, and the daughters will not.

It works for any pairing of mother with white barring, father with no white barring, and overall color dark enough that you can see the difference between the two.

Whether the males have red leakage depends on what other genes are involved. The specific parents used for commercial Black Sexlinks do tend to produce leakage in the males, and also red leakage in the breasts of females. Some other crosses would produce sexlinks with no leakage.

(I see several other people replied while I was typing this, so some of what I said is overlapping with some of what they said.)
Thank you! So, it could be that I DO have sex-linked maurans… I just hope they lay the dark brown eggs! That is what I was aiming for, when I purchased (what I hope are) maurans! 😄
The pullet in the right side picture is not a true Marans as she has black eyes like a black Australorp instead of red, and a vaulted beak similar to some other breeds such as La Fleche or Breda. The skin is also hyperpigmented while a true Marans would have white skin and red face, comb and wattles.

But they are beautiful, nonetheless!

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