sexing 7-8 week old pekin bantams.


In the Brooder
9 Years
Oct 19, 2010
we bought 2, 7-8 week old bantam chicks a few days ago and the breeder said he was pretty sure there both female. one is smaller and furthar behind developmentaly that the other but yesterday i noticed its wattles looking redder and it has a tiny comb. theres no evidence of spurs, long feathers or any other of the signs just the comb. the breeder said if theres any problems then he will swap it for another but i just wanna check first. can anyone help?
at the weekend just after we got them

today, big chick in front, female?

today, little chick on left, male?
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ok, ive added a couple more pics, i uploaded the first part from my phone and it didnt wanna let me upload any more so had to put the computer on. at what age do males start getting their comb and wattles through?
The smaller one looks like a boy to me. I've never had bantie Cochins, but my standards take a long time to get their boy feathers. They usually show comb and wattles first (about 4-6 weeks or so). It could be a fast developing pullet, I thought my favorite Cochin hen was a rooster for the longest time because of her comb and wattles. Then its like her comb stopped growing and her body caught up. Good luck to you, those are beautiful little babies!
The smaller one looks like a boy to me. I've never had bantie Cochins, but my standards take a long time to get their boy feathers. They usually show comb and wattles first (about 4-6 weeks or so). It could be a fast developing pullet, I thought my favorite Cochin hen was a rooster for the longest time because of her comb and wattles. Then its like her comb stopped growing and her body caught up. Good luck to you, those are beautiful little babies!
I'm going to have to agree. Smaller one looks like a boy to me as well.
Hey i ended takeing the little guy back and they only had one other from that batch left and that looked like a boy too. They had a second batch of younger chicks avaliable so i went through them and found the one with the smallest comb lol. There now fully grown and they seam to be both females. There both integrated into the flock with our other 2 full size chucks although the bantam we got them as company for wandered off and never came back a little while ago.
I think that you have a hen and a cockerel there
what colour of pekin are they?
if they are lemon pekin the hen is usually a darker buff colour.

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