Sexing 8-week old Faverolles


Mar 31, 2020
Delaware County (near Philly), PA
I have four 8-week-old faverolles that I received in very poor shape last week. They are hatchery stock. However, with the help of antibiotics and lots of care, they really seem to be perking up. While they are all supposed to be female, I do want to check on that. All have temporary names because I wasn't sure if they would make it. The first two, Farah and Hedgewig, I am almost certain are girls. They have blue/salmon backs and cream fronts, and are much smaller than the other two.

These two at the feeder are the ones I am fairly certain are girls:

And here's what their breasts look like:
It's a bit early to tell yet, the two by the feeder do look like girls but post in a few weeks to be sure. But they are ADORABLE lucky you!
Aww pretty roo on your avatar. Are roos illegal in your town?! He must be very quiet then!
Fingers crossed for pullets!
Aww pretty roo on your avatar. Are roos illegal in your town?! He must be very quiet then!

Yes, Adam is rather quiet for a rooster. His crow is about 80-85 Db, right next to him. I also lucked out in terms of neighbors. The ones next door, most affected by the sound, are kind of entertained by the rooster. They sometimes crow back at him. My other neighbors include a lovely elderly lady who "likes" to hear my dog bark because it makes her feel safer. She didn't even notice the rooster. Also there is a back neighbor who has a very very barky dog.

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