Sexing chicks

Im, a newbie to the chicken business, but I will brag about my sexing accuracy.  I seamed to get it right 14 / 14 chicks after learning this technique from a peace corp "chicken specialist ".  No, I'm not kidding, lol.  

Anyway, the venting technique was quoted by this specialist,  as being 100 % accurate, and I didn't believe it until I started doing it.  Its simple, he showed me,  just turn the chick upside down, and give a gentle squeeze.  The roosters will pop out a mini small red tipped, uh, ...   what you might call a penis.  The females will not.  So simple.  The only caveat is you are supposed to do this on or before day 2 after hatching for 100% accuracy.  I did it on day 3 and was 100%, so thats my story.  Also, this might sound funny, but until you see both, you wont be comfortable as to what you are seeing, but once you see the male, then the female, you will get confidence to make the right call.  If you were to get 4 hens in a row, without seeing a rooster you would be like, ok what am I missing here.   lol.. 
My chicks are 2 days old today, I'm going to try this! Thanks for the info!
I would be careful. I was not aware until I was trying to figure this out that vent sexing can kill your chicks! I have decided to wait because to me it is less important to find out than risking my chicks life.
Good info to know can anyone explain the wing sexing?

Wing sexing depends on knowing *for sure* that you bred a slow-feathering hen to a fast-feathering rooster. If both parents were the same type, looking at wing feathers will be just as accurate as tossing a coin.

The theory is that the pullets will have longer primary feathers and shorter covert feathers on the wing, while cockerels will have feathers that are the same length.
Again this is only accurate with very specific genetic crosses.
I would be careful. I was not aware until I was trying to figure this out that vent sexing can kill your chicks! I have decided to wait because to me it is less important to find out than risking my chicks life.

Why do people keep saying this ??? You just turn the chick over , look at the vent and usually gravity alone reveals if its a male or female, a squeeze is not really the appropriate term. You just but gentle pressure as if you are holding a pet mouse or something. You are not going to kill or hurt anything. It's crazy to keep perpetuating this when peeps don't know what they are talking about. If you are the type of person that can't pick up a wine glass or glass cup for a drink and end up crushing the glass in your hands every time you grip it, then ya, I don't recommend you try it.
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Why do people keep saying this ???  You just turn the chick over , look at the vent and usually gravity alone reveals if its a male or female, a squeeze is not really the appropriate term.  You just but gentle pressure as if you are holding a pet mouse or something.  You are not going to kill or hurt anything.  It's crazy to keep perpetuating this when peeps don't know what they are talking about.  If you are the type of person that can't pick up a wine glass or glass cup for a drink and end up crushing the glass in your hands every time you grip it, then ya, I don't recommend you try it. 
I used to have rabbits and it's similar. You turn them around and GENTLY pull up their tail and either male organs come out or if nothing, it's female. But if you were rough you could really hurt them & kill them. So I know exactly what you mean! (I think ;) ) But I always emphasized that you are barely putting any pressure on them when your doing this because some people may be unintentionally rough and kill their pet.
Why do people keep saying this ??? You just turn the chick over , look at the vent and usually gravity alone reveals if its a male or female, a squeeze is not really the appropriate term. You just but gentle pressure as if you are holding a pet mouse or something. You are not going to kill or hurt anything. It's crazy to keep perpetuating this when peeps don't know what they are talking about. If you are the type of person that can't pick up a wine glass or glass cup for a drink and end up crushing the glass in your hands every time you grip it, then ya, I don't recommend you try it.
Why? This is why.
Every source I was able to find about this subject recommended vent sexing be left to the pros because the risk to the chick is real AND unless you have been trained to identify the differences in the many different types of vent shapes, you're not likely to be accurate anyways.

Seriously, look at the diagrams of the different chick anatomy variations on the linked pages. There is nothing simple about it!

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