Sexing Easter Eggers

Thank you for your input chicken strut! Yes I was very happy with the variation and colors of my Easter Eggers! I’m ok with one rooster, just not two. My curiosity has the best of me regarding the blue one since the red has just started to appear the last few weeks. She/he also had some seriously thick legs as a youngster and was definitely a haus so more to make me second guess. I am very inexperienced though so I can only go off what I’ve read!
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I am really new at sexing Easter eggers but these are my suspected cockerels at 6 weeks. Am I right?
Hey everyone, I’m new to chickens and new to this forum. I’ve looked through this post. And I think I have two cockerels one an EE the other GLW .. was wondering if you could confirm or deny. Hoping for one female at least lol


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Hey everyone, I’m new to chickens and new to this forum. I’ve looked through this post. And I think I have two cockerels one an EE the other GLW .. was wondering if you could confirm or deny. Hoping for one female at least lol
The Easter egger is a definite cockerel. The GLW is a bit more difficult-- it has big, red comb and wattles, but the shoulders are evenly laced without patches, which is a female trait. So, it's a bird sending mixed messages. I would lean toward it being a cockerel. You may want to post a thread on the main breed and gender room to get more answers.
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I am really new at sexing Easter eggers but these are my suspected cockerels at 6 weeks. Am I right?
They're a little too young to know for sure. All of those birds look like pullets to me at this stage because of the small and pale combs. Your best bet is to give them a couple more weeks and try again. You'll get more answers if you make your own post on the main Breed & Gender board.
Thanks for y’alls help!!!!

They're a little too young to know for sure. All of those birds look like pullets to me at this stage because of the small and pale combs. Your best bet is to give them a couple more weeks and try again. You'll get more answers if you make your own post on the main Breed & Gender board.
OK, I was asking because I have a 3 year old GLW hen and I wanted to go back and pull pictures of her from the same age. Your GLW has a *ton* more comb and wattle development than she did at that age. But each chick develops on its individual timeframe. Yours does not yet have the hackle feathers and saddle feathers of a rooster so I would keep an eye on those areas. If just looking at comb/wattles, I'd have to guess your GLW is a cockerel. Sorry!

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