Sexing the Brahma breed, (standard size, Light Brahma)

Oh they are darling!!! Truthfully, I couldn't say at this age. We were not really sure until about 3/4 months. At two months we thought one of our hens was a roo, but she wasn't. Keep an eye out for those long neck feathers that roos get, along with bigger combs.
I have one buff brahma female she's from a lemon Pyle brahma parents. Wanted to know if I pair up with a buff brahma roo, what offspring will I get? Buff brahma male is from pure buff brahma parents.
For all those who ended up with Roos, how did their temperaments turn out as mature adults? I have a cockeral that I want to keep and hoping he's a nice boy at maturity. I know it's really a toss up, in general, but I'm just wondering what the overall consensus is amongst the brahmas boys. I've had bad luck with aggressive Roos of other breeds so far.
I love my Brahma boys! They are calm and easy-going. We've never had a problem, except when we had a couple of extra-large ones that were too hard on the girls. One of our roosters was 17 pounds and always cut furrows in the girls' sides, so he had to go, but he was a sweet boy.
I'm cautiously excited to hear that. There's nothing worse than having a homocidal rooster.

I love my Brahma boys! They are calm and easy-going. We've never had a problem, except when we had a couple of extra-large ones that were too hard on the girls. One of our roosters was 17 pounds and always cut furrows in the girls' sides, so he had to go, but he was a sweet boy.
I have some standard light brahma chicks and they are not nearly as feathered out as the ones I see listed here. And they are 11 weeks old. I cant tell what any of them are. They are from stock out of a west coast top notch breeder and not just hatchery stock. They are my first attempt ant raising show chickens. I will take close up photos of them and see if anyone can tell me what I am doing wrong and why they are not feathering out as well as they should.
My light brahma babies :)


I have 3 girls and a boy and so far I think I can tell them apart. I think my 3 girls are a touch darker with slightly more developed feathering. My boy is lighter in color with less feathering (I think).

And mine are "just hatchery stock."
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This is one of my LB. I'm assuming it's a few weeks old (I got them when they were older) but am still having trouble with sexing it. The guy in the middle is the one I don't know about. Its comb and waddle are a lot redder than the other two and its coloration pattern of its feathers are kind of different. Any suggestions?

This is one of my LB. I'm assuming it's a few weeks old (I got them when they were older) but am still having trouble with sexing it. The guy in the middle is the one I don't know about. Its comb and waddle are a lot redder than the other two and its coloration pattern of its feathers are kind of different. Any suggestions?
The middle one really looks like a Cockerel to me.

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