Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

I went to see the two Light Sussex hens. The cretin that owns them got three during lockdown so they didn't run out of eggs. A sad but familier story. One has already died and the two I saw will be following shortly.
They were sick and the person who owns them knows they are sick and is trying to avoid the responsiblilty of dealing with them. Disgusting really. I came away very angry. In other circumstances I would have taken them but it looked like Mycoplasma and I couldn't take the risk of it being passed on to Henry, Fret and Carbon.
I explained to the owner what I thought the problem is and how best to go about looking after them. I mentioned the vet word and the money word in one sentance and judging from the way the owner recoiled at both I doubt the poor creatures are going to benefit from either. It was hard just to walk away without doing the owner an injury.
I imagine you are disappointed that the prospect of new companions for Henry is dashed. As well as infuriated by a person who would knowingly move on sick birds.
Nice partial catch up on this thread. Thanks for the laughs and many smiles. Lurking tax. Resident Shad checking to see if the cat left any kibble.View attachment 3587993
What a face :love!!!
Also, Shad is going to be a daddy as his girl has gone broody on the chicken shack.View attachment 3588000View attachment 3588002
She did not budge even when I almost accidently smacked her with my ladder, when retrieving the eggs from my renegades (no longer) hidden nest.View attachment 3588005
I have to say Shad is a lot better looking than I am.
So sorry to hear this. I really hoped it would be a perfect addition to the allotment tribe.
Wish you have more luck next time.
Things have changed here in the UK since Covid and Bird Flu and the publicity produced by the various hen rescue organisations. When one hears of breeders waiting for a new batch of Red Sex Link hens and not dealing with heritage breeds any more, something has gone wrong.
Wow. That is rough!
When I was a bit older than that my best friend's mother had a cat who had what we called 'bitey moods'. I now know that most cats have these - they liked being stroked or petted until they suddenly don't.
It was a good lesson for me and my friend because we had to learn to watch the signs for when the cat was getting fed up with our attentions. Otherwise we got shredded which happened on more than one occasion.
To this day I remember the lessons from that cat - I can tell when my cats are getting antsy by how they twitch their ears or move the position of their whiskers.
Strange how cats and some other pets are forgiven but roosters are not in many cases.
Whisky fumes?
A scurrilous rumour madam entirely without foundation. Through some little understood genetic accident the presbyterian rigours of my ancestors arrived in me at birth and while I appreciate the finer qualities of Scotlands finest export I imbibe the fine spirit rarely and when I do, I'm in no condition to advertise the fact.
A scurrilous rumour madam entirely without foundation. Through some little understood genetic accident the presbyterian rigours of my ancestors arrived in me at birth and while I appreciate the finer qualities of Scotlands finest export I imbibe the fine spirit rarely and when I do, I'm in no condition to advertise the fact.

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