Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

I see Bristol has selected one of 4 Greens across the country! I never thought of it as a revolutionary place, but that should help with public transport being a bit higher on the agenda than you've had to endure to date. 🚌 🚃 🚏
Being on the agenda and having a public transport system running on time are worlds apart as other countries have also fund out. Germany for example is having terrible problems with what was once a very efficient and affordable service. Thanks to the last 14 years and some really poor decision making in the past, Bristol has competing private companies rather than a coherent city wide transport system and one company won't accept anothers tickets.
Rain all day at varying strengths. 16C and breezy.
Four hours today. We got out in the drizzle and went in when it rained properly.
The chicks are still very nervous around the adults so keeping out of the rain was interesting. It was more their nervousness than adult harassment that pushed them out into the rain from time to time. The chicks got through the allotment run fence and onto the plots while the adults kept closer to shelter and only went onto the field for an hour or so in the evening. Henry called roost time at about 8pm and even Mow went in with the others. Two of the chicks went in but one sat in the pop door which meant the other two hovered around the ramp but didn't go up without some encouragement. Tonight it was the white chick and the suspected male grey chick who went in first which is a different combination from last night. It's the resue chick that's having the most problems with roost time.

I don't think there's a way to link an old article with the new, other than simply stating that it's a revision of your first in the title, and linking the first article at the
That's a good idea; how do I do that?

end of the new one.

Sometimes articles have more than one page, but I'm not exactly sure how one does that, or if it works after the article has been published for x amount of time
I don't think there's a way to link an old article with the new, other than simply stating that it's a revision of your first in the title, and linking the first article at the

end of the new one.

Sometimes articles have more than one page, but I'm not exactly sure how one does that, or if it works after the article has been published for x amount of time
I could change and add information to an old article several times. Articles work differently than threads.
To add a link works as usual. Go to the page you want yo link to, copy the url. Make a button with a good name and link it to the article in question with the link tool.
If you need assistance you can ask one of the managers. They don’t mind being asked.
I could change and add information to an old article several times. Articles work differently than threads.
To add a link works as usual. Go to the page you want yo link to, copy the url. Make a button with a good name and link it to the article in question with the link tool.
If you need assistance you can ask one of the managers. They don’t mind being asked.
thanks @BDutch - that worked :):thumbsup
Thunderstorms early this morning. Rain all morning. Qyite pleasant this afternoon. When I did get there at around 1pm the chickens were stuck in the coop because the string on the auto door had broken, or been chewed through.:barnie

Everybody was fine and didn't seem traumatized, mostly pleased to be out but thirsty.
I got it sorted while the unit was in situation so it should work in the morning.:fl
There are four chicks in that lot but I can't see any of them in the picture.:lol:

Bought some more chicken food. Fermeted it. Having it for supper tomorrow with spinach and potatoes and grilled hallumi cheese.:D A single pot cook if one doesn't include the cheese.


Don't ask me what all that extra stuff is, I just press the go button.

Still having chick roosting problems. I may be part of the problem by being there at roost time. Henry and the others tend to go to roost a good hour before it gets dark. Reasonably enough, I want to go home at 9pm rather than 10pm and I encourage the chicks to go to roost as soon after the adults as possible.

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