Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

About the same happened in the Netherlands.
Factory farming = animal abuse. And on top of it, it’s polluting the world. It really 🤬 me off sometimes

Today was a good day too. A group of organic flower growers got a lot of attention because they have proven its possible to grow flowers without poison and make a (small) living. The time is right to ask for a change, and better rules to be able to expand (change from poisonous to organic) because we have a devastating increase of Parkinson's disease in areas with lots of flower industry (like tulip fields). And there are many places where people work and live near flower fields. The poisons often spread about 2km from the fields (measured).

Bouquet with organic flowers.
Thank you. I live in hope of it.
Well I think farm animals need to be raised and slaughtered humanly . Especially big ag. Cheap meat is what the public buys. People need to find out where their food comes from.
But going plant based isn't going win friends of the meat eaters. PETA comes to mind. People quit listening when it's too radical.
Well I think farm animals need to be raised and slaughtered humanly . Especially big ag. Cheap meat is what the public buys. People need to find out where their food comes from.
But going plant based isn't going win friends of the meat eaters. PETA comes to mind. People quit listening when it's too radical.
peta takes things too far.

My parents try to get meat that is raised better.
Well I think farm animals need to be raised and slaughtered humanly . Especially big ag. Cheap meat is what the public buys. People need to find out where their food comes from.
But going plant based isn't going win friends of the meat eaters. PETA comes to mind. People quit listening when it's too radical.
The meat that is used in processed food is often the ultimate in animal abused meat.

Last week we had another ‘scandal’ when a sausage factory obviously used horse meat in the sausages without labelling it. The horseflesh they used was even medicate. It should have been destroyed/burned.
Well I think farm animals need to be raised and slaughtered humanly . Especially big ag. Cheap meat is what the public buys. People need to find out where their food comes from.
But going plant based isn't going win friends of the meat eaters. PETA comes to mind. People quit listening when it's too radical.
All of the Plant Based fake foods (beyond, impossible etc) are just chemicals and worse for the environment, still kills animals and is not healthy. Just like the electric car nonsense. The batteries are toxic, cannot be recycled and just get dumped in landfills to poison the ground, not to mention the mining process for the cobalt needed for the batteries, that uses child slave labor and is toxic. It isn't about making a better planet, it is about control.

That is why we are working on producing everything that we consume, but at the moment we at least try to only buy meat raised and harvested humanely. We do not use any herbicides, pesticides or store bought fertilizers in our garden. So everything is safe for us and the chickens. :) People need to get back to gardening and producing, and get away from big corporate manufacturing when it comes to food and likely other things.
All of the Plant Based fake foods (beyond, impossible etc) are just chemicals and worse for the environment, still kills animals and is not healthy. Just like the electric car nonsense. The batteries are toxic, cannot be recycled and just get dumped in landfills to poison the ground, not to mention the mining process for the cobalt needed for the batteries, that uses child slave labor and is toxic. It isn't about making a better planet, it is about control.

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