Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

The forcasted temperatures didn't materialise today. It was warm throughout the day but not 22C as forcast.
I've got problems. The chicks are going feral!
They escape the coop run every day.:lol: I found them waiting for me on the wrong side of the allotment run gate this afternoon. I don't think they venture far, yet, but they had been on my plot.
I have to find and fix the gap without rebuilding the entire fence. The chicks ranging all day isn't really the problem. This would stop anyway as they ggrow in size. My concern is for Fret. Imagine something going wrong and not being able to get to her chicks. I need to do my utmost to ensure this doesn't happen.
It's the rescue chick who finds these gaps. The fence has never been secure against that can get through a two inch gap and maybe even a three inch gap with a bit of climbing.

This picture illustrates just how independant they are as a group. Fret is in the field with Henry, Mow and Carbon, the chicks still inside the allotment run close to the geese. It was five minutes or so before they showed up and Fret didn't go to get them.:confused:

She's gettable
yes she is, but to get her without injuring her I'd need to make a significant hole through the hedge (or a long passage the other side of the hedge) which would invite the local foxes and other wildlife to enter the garden at a point very close to the chicken spa, and even provide them with a good ambush spot. I think that is too high a risk to take/price to pay to secure one well camouflaged pullet who's buried herself deep in thick cover, who may make it anyway without my help. Remember that last year Polka incubated Fez in a much more exposed position (an open flowerpot) and they roosted in the borders/hedges for the first 6 weeks, which encourages my optimism. Talking of whom, I heard eggshell being unzipped yesterday and the day before, and Fez's clutch are due to hatch today...
Found Rhondda's nest. If you look closely, that's her back end in the magenta circle. View attachment 3871193
Her head is completely hidden behind a beech trunk from my side of the hedge. Getting to her from the other side won't be easy either: via the shortest route, there's about 10 meters of shoulder high brambles and nettles to negotiate, not to mention any other bird nests hidden along the way. I may have to let this one play out as it will.

The quote "life finds a way" comes to mind here. Seems like Rhondda has found a very good spot. I sure hope she stays safe :fl .

I doubt my three year olds would've picked such a good nesting spot. To me this shows the benefits of natural brooding in a free range setting

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