Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

I love the peeking pictures!


I've seen 5 chicks now, so Fez is apparently holding tight waiting for the last one to hatch. She hasn't been off for 3 days now, so must be busting for a poop, a stretch, and a dust bath. She took some mealworms on the nest this morning so has at least had some sustenance.
What a good broody! My Martha stayed an extra three days and successfully handled a staggered hatch. She can hatch again next year if she's so inclined.
OMG Rhondda's sitting on 10! And there's no way I can reach them through the hedge without cutting some thick branches - this was at arm's length about 18" above, having wriggled half way into it at ground level on the garden side.
Rhondda's secret nest.JPG

If she plays ball tomorrow I might try to grab the nearest one and bring it in to candle, then at least I'll have an idea how long she's been incubating them and how developed they are.
OMG Rhondda's sitting on 10! And there's no way I can reach them through the hedge without cutting some thick branches - this was at arm's length about 18" above, having wriggled half way into it at ground level on the garden side.
View attachment 3872803
If she plays ball tomorrow I might try to grab the nearest one and bring it in to candle, then at least I'll have an idea how long she's been incubating them and how developed they are.
I keep an old soup ladle tied to a long wooden broom handle for moments like this. Other people prefer a spaghetti ladle. Any long pole and scooping implement would do.

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