Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

What is Batty Ol' Hens' Broodiness Enhancer for the Moulting?

This but with extra words on the label.

Fictional product. Does not exist. Copyright 2024 @notabitail.
Two and a half hours. Warm and sunny.
It's the end of the field group membership year and as one might expect there has been some drama when people have been told that they will lose in part or completely their growing plot because they haven't looked after it over the year and the plot hasn't produced anything worth talking about because it hasn't been tended. As a committee member and because I am there daily I've been dealing with the brunt of the drama.:barnie

I swept this out yesterday. Mostly white feathers from Henry and Mow. Mow who has been adverse to eating much apart from what she can forage has become ravenous for drain tinned mackerel, chopped nuts and has taken to snacking on the feed I leave in the coop overnight before she settles down to roost. I had to refill one bowl this evening which she ate almost a third of before settling down. I'll take extra mackerel tomorrow.:rolleyes:



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