Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

His head and neck feathers appear to have certainly lightened up! Pinecone's name seems especially pertinent to his appearance 😄

Chilly and pissing down with 35mph wind gusts. Nobody went onto the field despite the gate being open.
Sylph is looking especially lovely despite spending her day avoiding the weather. How are those boys behaving? Nice that the rat problem is only in your imagination 😉
Add on gas stations? How does that work?
Ads on gas stations? Well, let me tell you.

A long time ago, we had a Shell by our house in California. Well, it was like the other gas stations. Except, retrofitted above the tiny screen on the pump was a small TV-ish thing displaying ads and "GSTV" clips.

Fast forward to today. Long gone are those. Nope! They're now integrated directly into the screen you interact with so you're more likely to see it.

It's just a loop of stupid fast food ads and "word of the day" and trash like that. I hate it.

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