Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

Still thinking about food. I've often found it interesting what people eat and when.
Today. An odd food day. I got interrupted at breakfast this morning.
I drank my usual 250 ml of water first thing.
Two cups of coffee and a wholemeal pitta bread halved and coated in pure peanut butter/paste for breakfast.

Late breakfast second attempt 2 boiled eggs, another pitta bread with butter and marmite and a glass of my special tomato juice.
The breakfast picture is to show off my no topple over egg cup. :D

I've been eating more and more stuff raw. Saves on cooking dunnit.:D
10 mixed stuff olives. 10 Almonds, 1 Brazil nut, 1 mini cucumber, half an avacado, 1 very small raw onion and a handfull of raspberries.

Vitamin supplement.

I hit the food cupboards as soon as I got in from the chickens and ate;
the other half of the avacado with a herb and lemon juice dressing,
half a stick of celery and half a fresh white roll from a bakers with Roquefort cheese and a slice of Stollen.

Yep it's true. I've been putting off the rice and beans.:p
Rice and beans.
Borlotti beans in tomatoes sauce.

2 cloves of garlic, 3 leaves of sage, handfull of pine nuts, chopped sun dried tomatos (no need to add salt to the beans), tomato passat and a squirt of tomato puree, water to thin sauce. Five minutes cooking the sauce and further five minutes once the beans are added, high simmer.

I've done these beans in a Riccota sauce before and they were nice.

I've never been a great water drinker. That had to change and I manage to drink around 1.5 litres most days which is still short 0.5 litre from the recommended 2 litres.
We have lots of diet problems but insufficient vitamin C must be high on the list. It seems the reommended quantity is way way too low. It's fast to halflife, a couple of hours and being water solubel leaves the system if not taken up in the digestive process. I fill a glass of water and add 800mg of ascorbic acid. I drink this throughout the day. It's a clean, lab made, supplement.
Not gonna say what I ate the last three days... Lets just assume that chips/crisps are a vegetable, and that dates in oatmeal pastry (date squares) are healthy.

I *did* however have lots of plain yoghurt!

I will attempt to be better tomorrow. Been going through a rough time and needed the comfort foods and not having to cook.
My food today
An onion and potato chopped, cooked in olive oil in glass lidded dish in microwave for 3 minutes. A chopped garlic clove thrown in and another minute.

2 squares of 92% extra dark chocolate (3 sq are a serving) with almond butter.

A cup of goat yogurt with mixed berries

A mix of salsa and beans with blue corn chips...all organic from Aldi's

Rolled oats with raisins, seeds and a little honey
For several months I have been bringing hard-boiled eggs to work for my breakfast. I ran out of eggs and I am delaying a trip to the store to buy "free range organic" eggs.

So I brought a jar of pickled eggs that I made back in May, and a partial roll of brown bread (baked in a can). The eggs tasted fine, but the texture was getting quite rubbery. I ate them anyway.

I pickled them in a jar of pickled beets brine, hence the color.

Do eggs count towards tax?
:eek: I love steel cut oats (tomorrow's breakfast!), but I have never paired them with onions.
I use them instead of rice and make pilaf-like meals with steel cut oats and lots if veggies, sometimes meat. Tasty and filling.
I don’t really like sweet versions.

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