Oh how sad I am for that goose. I know he isn't your responsibility but thank you so much for checking on the lonely guy.
My flock is down to 16 members, and they are actually playing chase and acting like proper chickens now. The two cockerels still haven't hit any hormonal phase so it's all peace and love right now haha.
I haven't seen our hawk in a couple weeks, but last I saw him he was flying with another so maybe he's found a mate.
Here are my keeper boys. If they stop getting along I'll divide the flock but so far they get along.
Ric Flair
My flock is down to 16 members, and they are actually playing chase and acting like proper chickens now. The two cockerels still haven't hit any hormonal phase so it's all peace and love right now haha.
I haven't seen our hawk in a couple weeks, but last I saw him he was flying with another so maybe he's found a mate.
Here are my keeper boys. If they stop getting along I'll divide the flock but so far they get along.


Ric Flair