Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

Happy new year!
2024 was a rollercoaster, maybe 2025 will settle down a bit?
Either way I'll need this
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Grey, wet and generally miserable. Not the greatest start to the New Year.
We did get out onto the field. The rain backed off as the evening wore on. No buses today but surprise surprise, the trains were running.
The trains good when it runs but it costs money while the buses are free. An advantage of the train is it goes from the local village to a station five minutes walk from my flat.
Cold at around 1C. It's going to freeze tonight. However, we got some sunshine and two hours out on the allotments.
They've started to make space under the large rosemary bush. All the hens were in the bush rather than around the edges for a while. It makes for excellent cover.
A bit of sunshine makes the pictures look better.:)
I asked for this series of art books to be saved from the house. There were many other books I would like to have saved but don't have the room for. They're in a bit of a mess. A cat has been at some and the spines have been torn open, some have mould growing on the covers and the outer edges of the prints. The series is sixty years old and I think I have 72 books from the series.
I've been going through the series cleaning up and repairing roughly the books in the worst condition. I'm due another delivery of clothing and books that my half brother rescued in the next couple of months. I hope they are in better condition than this lot.
I'm going to have to make an oversized book shelf to put this lot and what else arrives and find somewhere to fix the shelf.
I asked for this series of art books to be saved from the house. There were many other books I would like to have saved but don't have the room for. They're in a bit of a mess. A cat has been at some and the spines have been torn open, some have mould growing on the covers and the outer edges of the prints. The series is sixty years old and I think I have 72 books from the series.
I've been going through the series cleaning up and repairing roughly the books in the worst condition. I'm due another delivery of clothing and books that my half brother rescued in the next couple of months. I hope they are in better condition than this lot.
I'm going to have to make an oversized book shelf to put this lot and what else arrives and find somewhere to fix the shelf.
View attachment 4019429
Wow, nice save!
The series is sixty years old and I think I have 72 books from the series.
Oldies but goodies! Is the bottom one pictured of a shipwreck? It would be fun to browse through that series.

The oldest book around here is probably my grandfather's well-thumbed Boy Scout manual from the 30's. Like your collection, the manual is in pretty rough shape, front cover is actually detached, but I am afraid to tape it up with cheap tape that in time may do more damage than good. Professional book re-binders seem to be hard to find as I suppose it is somewhat of a lost art.

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