Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

No. I never saw that thread. Probably a search could dig it up.
Centuries (OK, decades) ago I was taught to do fecal float tests. It isn’t that hard if you can access a microscope.
I confess though that I don’t do my own and have probably forgotten how to do it.
I have a vet do a flock test (pooled poop sample) now and then. I believe there are mail-in services available too.
Yeah my parents raised dogs when I was a kid and did their own. I was shown but that was over 50 years ago 😂. I might still have the microscope.
It doesn’t say anything about worms and costs over £55 .
The Avian comprehensive fecal test includes the McMasters flotation which is the name given to the test that vets do for parasite (worm and coccidia) eggs.
I see the price as £45.69. They are certainly not giving it away, but that is less than two trips to a vet by a long way.
I am not trying to persuade anyone to use it, just sharing that it is available.

Looks like L-Plate knows of ones that are less comprehensive (just worms and Eimeria/Coccidiosis) but a lot cheaper.
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