Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

I thought it was a very good article piece - thought provoking and warm. I am always wary of generalities even when backed by statistics - after all, behind every average there is a distribution - so my hackles rose at a few sentences such as:
"While girls worry about their mental health, boys worry they will fail in life."
But generally I thought she had some good common sense in her thoughts.
Thanks for sharing.
I thought the same. It's a difficult topic but for humans and chickens the future of the males in both social groups seems bleak.
I thought the same. It's a difficult topic but for humans and chickens the future of the males in both social groups seems bleak.
outside of elites, it's been bleak through out written history for everything.
get eaten, enslaved, no rights. Spare males have it worse in my little world. Yesterday I had a spare cockerel beating up on his grandpa. He almost lot his head, might still if he does it again. Grandpa is the last of half standard Cornish. Some ragtag wantabee flock master has 2 older brothers to take on also.
It was touching... when I walked up yelling the cockerel had the grandpa by the comb on the ground. 2 hens started attacking the cockerel and drove him off.
I couldn't help but see many parallels between concepts lightly dealt with, but at least someone is thinking, between human male juveniles and cockerels.
Something I repeat often when talking about male chickens is they are not male hens. Boys are different and in many cases male chickens, primarily due to their keeping conditions, are not able to fill their natural roles in chicken society.
Many backyard chicken keepers do not get to see, or get to understand, the role the male chicken has to play in chicken society; the keeping circumstances just don't pemit the males natural behaviour and what one tends to get is the only point in keeping a cockerel or rooster is for breeding.:(
Possible reasons I believe I have had fewer problems with male chickens over the years than many backyard chicken keepers (taking the backyyard model as I have often described) are, a) I'm a male, and b) I have been fortunate in being able to care for both sexes in environments that have allowed both sexes to live a more natural existence.
Worthwhile read. Thanks for linking.

Has anyone else been watching the livestream of Jackie & Shadow in Big Bear Valley, the bald eagle pair raising eaglets?

It's a pair raising young. There's no, "Look how cute it is when the male contributes." The male eagle broods, nests, brings food, and runs interference on predators as actively as the female. Also, eaglets aren't nearly as capable as chicken chicks. At 2 weeks, they can hardly sit up, much less run around and forage.

Anywho, tax in honor of Henry. Rooster love.








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