Shadrach's Ex Battery and Rescued chickens thread.

There is a rather interesting elderly women I chat to from time to time. I don't see her much during the winter but this morning she was out and we chatted a bit about the state of the world etc.
We were talking about the American adminstration and JD Vance came up in conversation.
My quote of the week from this women is;
"He's awfully pretty for someone who is supposed to be a man.":lau

and her entire opinion on the man is formed by what she's heard from biased media outlets:caf
Henry just ignores the rats; Frets killed a couple when hse's had chicks. Sylph doesn't like them and might take one on in the right circumstances.

I clubbed a few to death before I made the coop & run completely ratproof. Couldn't have them potentially attacking my precious chickens during the night.
Said Aristotle
I am a huge fan of his. I was impressed by this (sections 1-3) before I had chickens. Now I know so much more about them, I am flabbergasted at his powers of observation and attention to detail.

That description of the development of the chick foetus was written about 2,400 years before this
and without the benefit of optical lenses or, easily overlooked, any reference work, because they didn't exist before Aristotle. Really astonishing. He truly deserves the moniker the Father of Biology. Very impressive on a lot of other things too, not least politics. His colleague Theophrastus did the plants (hence now known as the Father of Botany). I sometimes think science stalled / withered after them because they were too hard an act to follow.
wow - you know that could explain it. Thank you so much.

If curiosity gets the better of me (and I forget the adage about cats in this regard) I might just fish it out the bin and take a close look....:hmm:lol:
I did a little ‘research’ on youtube and checked some videos people posted about cats killing rats. The cats didn’t.

In the video , the cat Mimi, did a serious attempt. It shows how difficult it is for a normal sized cat to kill a rat.


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