Shaking/twitching head lethargic 8 week old chick

We are new to this with backyard chickens.I have one that is very lethargic. She hasn't been going into to coop at night like the others. I actually pick her up and put her in the coop. In the morn, I find her in the nesting box and she doesnt come out for an hour. She always makes left turns and seems to lose her balance and can't balance on the ledge. She is very slow moving but eats, drinks and poops fine. We plan on bringing her in tonight and separating her but have no idea what's wrong, just strange behavior for the last 2 weeks. She is probably 2maybe 3 months old but hasn't started laying yet. Any help?

Well she has not improved at all. The corid water was her only source of water. We are starting to believe she had a heatstroke. The problem is she just isn't moving around. She does eat and drink but not much. We dont know what else to do.
Sorry to hear she's not improved.

Have you given any vitamin therapy since you've finished to Corid?
Sorry to hear she's not improved.

Have you given any vitamin therapy since you've finished to Corid?
We did but no improvement. She stopped eating and drinking so we did the humane thing and it broke my heart. We found some more info and believe she had a heatstroke that caused some brain damage. Either way, she was deteriorating fast. We will know better next time.

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