Shape Shifting Madness

Anna shrugged, "oh ok." She took a fork ans cooped up some pasta. Her eyes widened, it was so much better than frogs
Anna nodded."That's what I meant, wolves live in packs but there seems to be only one."

Dakota stopped howling. He ran towards town and shifted to human form. He stopped by a diner, only to find it was closed. He sniffed around until he found a dumpster behind a house
Anna nodded."That's what I meant, wolves live in packs but there seems to be only one."

Dakota stopped howling. He ran towards town and shifted to human form. He stopped by a diner, only to find it was closed. He sniffed around until he found a dumpster behind a house

"Should we check it out? Maybe it's hurt." Caroline said. "Or, it's another one." She hinted.
Anna shrugged she put her empty bowl in the sink, rinsed. Then she opened the door to walk out. She heard soda cans clanking. She walked out back, there a wolf searching through trash

Dakota stopped to see the human. He froze, then he ran down the street howling.

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