I have my doubts about the 'wool hen' deal, not many have used it taht I've seen, but time will tell here. It may be fine in a warmer clime with healthy chicks, but weak chicks may not make it without added heat.Poor chick didn’t make it. There’s a second that’s acting a little off too, but that one seemed to be more active earlier so I assumed it wasn’t anything. I don’t know if those two just haven’t been eating and drinking or what. I check all the chicks a few times per day for pasting and there’s nothing.
Heating source is a wool hen and I throw a hand warmer in every now and then wrapped in a little microfiber dish glove sort of like a little heated bed.
Do they huddle to the hand warmer?
@Cluckingclueless (your screen name is great BTW cracks me up!)what is the ambient temp around the brooder?
Where in this world are you located?
Climate is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
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