Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Quote: sex licks?? really???
Sigh, I will try. I just feel for her Be happy, chicken! Now!

Plus, this hiding in the nest box is causing eggs to be broken and eaten, and I am worried I will be dealing with those kinds of bad habits.

Very frustrating when they waste your good eggs! Maybe you could put a higher lip or something on the nest box so it would be harder for them to get the eggs out. There are some nest designs where the eggs roll out of reach right after they are laid, so there are options if they can't get their act together.
When I first brought Rumples home... the others picked on her. She hid in the coop all day long. Penny would not let her eat or drink. After a few days... I opened the pen door to let the girls free range. Rumples never left the pen, but it gave her the opportunity to eat and drink. About a week later, she would venture out of the pen for a short distance. Then the girls worked things out and all is well.

I might not move Rumples to the crate. She is doing so well right now that I am afraid to rock the nest. She comes out to eat and goes right back. The others are not bothering her. I am worried that if I move her, she will wake up in the morning and freak out. I would be heartbroken if the eggs got destroyed. DH says to leave her be. Maybe move her when the chicks are a day old??
What do you all think??
Scrambles, I think you are right. Don't mess with a good thing. There was a featured article about hatching with a broody and it said that once the chicks hatch, the hen rarely abandons them, but moving her before the hatch can be risky. You must have well behaved girls.

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