Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

karl, I would start with Craig's list...& pennysaver type papers... try to get them for free first. you never know... sorry you lost another hen. I still have a lot of fresh coyote activity in my far back yard, with the snow, it's even easier to spot... so I haven't taken any chances. their runs are big enough. besides, there's no grass or bugs anyway
Cheeks, I was just in contact with Freehling Farms and they just got some leghorns in and at a good price. Hopefully I can get some soon so they will start laying mid summer
that is great, and you might get lucky with eggs by late Spring!

I'm so bored not working, I'm just so bored. Peri gave me an errand to run today. she went into heat last ngiht
so I cancelled her spay date... and drove to the furthest end of the next town over (it's far...) to the agway because they were the only place that carries sanitary stuff that isn't disposable. I got her a washable diaper, and stopped and WalMart and got a huge box of liners (omg, TMI) the diaper was too small, so I wasted not one moment, hopped back in the car and drove all the way back for the next size. it's a little big on her fanny, but it fits really well, she hasn't tried to take it off - I take it off when I let her out and change her little liner.
I only have limited Internet, so I hope that I can get the whole message to you guys this morning.
I finally got Duckling out in the snow yesterday. I wish more than ever that I had gotten the slide out. There will be snow again, but yesterday was the first time she was ever allowed to walk in the snow. I wasn't really thinking of that, so I wasn't wearing any gloves when I took her out. She did kinda get to build a snowman though.


I let her pick her entire outfit. I was surprised that she chose that hat, since she has so many to choose from.
More later!

She was confused (or amused) by her prints in the snow.
I'm surprised she could get that close to the flock.

Big cockerel. I never worry about him though.

And today. You know she's a happy kid, but I rarely capture a good smile.

I don't usually take her down to close the coops. It's too dark, too cold or too late. Last night, she came with me. As we went back up the hill, she was holding my hand, and we stopped. The sun was setting, the weather not bad (35* is pretty good for a winter evening!). And I was so conflicted. There I was, ending the day with my baby girl. I am raising her right, and she is such a part of me. But... Y'know. She isn't really mine, I should have my own baby with me, and I shouldn't be a lonely married woman. I was trying so hard to be happy! It was such a perfect moment! Maybe I need some good drugs (I'm saying with a stoned look on my face).
So, we are busy girls doing the farm thing. I'm hoping I don't need to buy a horse anytime soon. That would be a lot of room and work. Especially since I'd need a fence. And lots of hay since I only have an acre. Wouldn't take long to turn it to mud!
Wonderful pictures MC! Duckling looks very happy!

I grew up with horses. Eat and poop, eat and poop... And the mud! Oy! I remember the wet spot behind the barn, after the cows and a couple of colts got done back there, you would sink in up to your knees! Boots would get sucked off your feet! I like chickens better. At least they give you presents!
Wonderful pictures MC!  Duckling looks very happy! 

I grew up with horses. Eat and poop, eat and poop...  And the mud!  Oy!  I remember the wet spot behind the barn, after the cows and a couple of colts got done back there, you would sink in up to your knees!  Boots would get sucked off your feet!  I like chickens better.  At least they give you presents! 

Aren't "presents" something cats and dogs leave you that make you scream?

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