Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

I agree. It's a pain to switch back and forth.

It definitely is!!! And the desktop version is so clunky on a phone! Someone should tag a mod hahah
hey back to kid germs... Mylee really is/was sick. she woke up puking yesterday, twice in the bed, once in the bucket. she felt a lot better by last night, might have been a 24 hour bug, but her Oma caught it too and was barfing. she catches everything Mylee brings home from school even if Mylee can resist it. she's immunosuppressed from a transplant 10 years ago. stocked up on everything, she rarely remembers to do preventative maintenance and then has to roll with it, but at least has stuff in the house to make it easier and shorter.

gonna be warm today, mid 40's and dry. I don't have much to do, but I will make an effort to take a ride for photos, feels like forever since I did that.
This thread is not about me! I know that, and hope no one thinks I think it is. And now I'm gonna talk about me!
Duckling used the potty twice yesterday!! I put her in training pants in the morning, changed her after her nap to a diaper (we don't usually have success in the evenings) and that's what she wore to bed! Her diaper stayed dry all afternoon/evening! LOL! Okay, that's three hours. But it's a first!
When people poke me once on Facebook, I think "they're just being chopper today". When tutu keep ("they" was changed by autocorrect. That's funny!) poking me, I think they're insane. Now I know how crazy some people are!

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