Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Thanks cheeka. We are in much better shape to hatch eggs this time around. Nobody to bother her where she is at now. I moved everybody around and everybody gets along good the way I have it now. I don't think Big Broody and the chicks even know the little broody BR is in there with them. The broody is glued to the nest. Have not caught her off the nest yet. Best part is she will finally get a chance to grow her feathers back before winter. If she hatches chicks I will move her into the new broody coop and run to finish her job raising the chicks and growing feathers. So much more simple this time around. Now how many days will SHE let this go on without getting in on the action attention.
We Don't Know
We Just Don't Know.......The Little Broody Is Parked On Our Eggs And We Don't Know How Many.

So I only got 2 eggs today, but look where they were at!!!!!! Extending the dividers up did the trick! And I think the Easter eggs may have helped LOL! Hopefully Bertha will lay in a nest tomorrow, since apparently today was her day off. She normally lays 4 days then off 1.

This is one of my rouges! Would you guess Cockerel? And probably and Austrolope?

3 of the Golden Comet girls

Clarabelle inspecting my cleaning job!

The black and mottled Cochin bantams decided to come in early to get the best roosting spot!

So, it was a little bit busy today. I got up early and cleaned the coop out before we left for a family reunion. I decided to let everything air out for the day and didn't put new shavings down until we got home tonight. I also rehomed 5 of the Golden comet girls.... A little bitter sweet, but I am going to need the coop space if the chicks that my dad brings back from the fair make it. Not quite sure how many are coming back out of the 10 that he took! (Don't get me started! UGH!!!!!) Anyway, I will probably get them back tomorrow, and put them back in the brooder with the 3 that he decided were too old. I am hoping that we don't have any problems there!
I was looking at my black cochins today, and noticed that the 2 bigger ones are getting really red in the combs and wattles.... They also aren't much smaller than Clarabelle, so they may be a little older than I think and start laying soon..... or that could just be wishful thinking! The smaller cochin chicks treat them like their mama's and crawl underneath them on the roosts! I am wondering if that will cause them to be broodier as they get older?

OK- Glad your hen is broody!
animallover- glad your chick is back!

Everyone else seems to have had a good day as well! YAY!!!!!
Oh, Lindsey. Give up. You will go batty! Oops...
Okay, you will go batty-er.

I got thirteen eggs!
What a lucky number!
Thirteen eggs,
and what could be dumber?
I had them all squished
into a tiny coop
I had to do it
While I cleaned their poop!
I moved their boxes
Next to the door!
I had to do it
They were on the floor!
When I am done with the coop
I was trying to fix
Maybe then
I will get 26!

I moved everyone out of the grow out pen today, and was trying to get it clean. After removing five or six loads of bedding, I gave up. I have (hopefully!!) only two loads to go in the morning. The girls need more room in their coop! This is the one where a door separates 2 coops in one building.
Nice work MC, both the back breaking work of removing deep litter... and the brain bending work of writing a poem! I need to dig out the dome. there is seriously about 8" of really nice dirt in there. the dome sits on bedrock, very little soil originally. they did great work making soil with all the grass and leaves (and food) I dumped in over the past year. I used to be able to stand up inside. can't now... stooping isn't good but it's such a huge job. at least it's not hard packed throughout, I've churned it over the months and they have several huge dust baths.
A hen sitting on eggs in a nest box with two Golden Comets laying eggs on top of her is a pretty good sign that she might be broody.
Can't let that new broody coop go to waste. Hope you get a great Delaware hatch with lots of pullets.

It's contagious!

My little chick was back with momma when I checked on them this morning.
What a relief! That's the best news I've heard today!

We went up north to visit the inlaws and hubby's sister who has been staying with them. The Seramas had to stay locked in all day but the big girls got to go out into their big yard. We got back well after dark and I'm always apprehensive when I go to lock up after being gone, but they were all there and snoozing on the roosts.

6 eggs today and 1 Serama egg so that's a total of about 6 and 1/5.
My little chick was back with momma when I checked on them this morning.
thank goodness, I am so happy to hear good news.
It is official. My little BR (the good one) is broody. I just ordered her some Heritage Delaware hatching eggs
Can I borrow some of your broody magic? lol Can't wait for you to get them. Same place or different?

So I only got 2 eggs today, but look where they were at!!!!!! Extending the dividers up did the trick! And I think the Easter eggs may have helped LOL! Hopefully Bertha will lay in a nest tomorrow, since apparently today was her day off. She normally lays 4 days then off 1.

This is one of my rouges! Would you guess Cockerel? And probably and Austrolope?

3 of the Golden Comet girls

Clarabelle inspecting my cleaning job!

The black and mottled Cochin bantams decided to come in early to get the best roosting spot!

So, it was a little bit busy today. I got up early and cleaned the coop out before we left for a family reunion. I decided to let everything air out for the day and didn't put new shavings down until we got home tonight. I also rehomed 5 of the Golden comet girls.... A little bitter sweet, but I am going to need the coop space if the chicks that my dad brings back from the fair make it. Not quite sure how many are coming back out of the 10 that he took! (Don't get me started! UGH!!!!!) Anyway, I will probably get them back tomorrow, and put them back in the brooder with the 3 that he decided were too old. I am hoping that we don't have any problems there!
I was looking at my black cochins today, and noticed that the 2 bigger ones are getting really red in the combs and wattles.... They also aren't much smaller than Clarabelle, so they may be a little older than I think and start laying soon..... or that could just be wishful thinking! The smaller cochin chicks treat them like their mama's and crawl underneath them on the roosts! I am wondering if that will cause them to be broodier as they get older?

OK- Glad your hen is broody!
animallover- glad your chick is back!

Everyone else seems to have had a good day as well! YAY!!!!!
Glad you got them laying in the right it will be easy. The rest will just follow suite as they start to lay. I noticed today one of my girls checking out the second box and sure enough someone else had laid an egg in there so they used it to. Such copycats. Normally they always use the front one.

Cheeka, that poem is the one I always remember...I cracked up laughing when I read about Her attempt to help herself to the food.

Have a nice weekend all

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