Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Been up all night, we lost power due to the thunderstorms. I am just sick over it. Carried the incubators to the truck to keep them warm, the inverter won't support all of them. We have a generator thing that would not start. Battery backup failed in 2 hours. I have 3 incubators full of geese duck quail turkey and guinea.. oh my
over 200 birds! I buried the bators in blankets, and I hope it didn't harm my chicks. We were without power about 5 hours
Just sick over it, we had all the right stuff, but most of it failed. Ugh! I feel so hopeless, you do all the planning and it doesn't work when you need it.
Is there any hope for the eggs or have I just lost all of my babies? Comments welcome, I am just heartbroken and worried I just killed all my babies
Even without your efforts, they have a good chance. I have seen it in my local thread quite often this past year.
Now smile, and have a great day! Have confidence in your hatch!
Been up all night, we lost power due to the thunderstorms. I am just sick over it. Carried the incubators to the truck to keep them warm, the inverter won't support all of them. We have a generator thing that would not start. Battery backup failed in 2 hours. I have 3 incubators full of geese duck quail turkey and guinea.. oh my
over 200 birds! I buried the bators in blankets, and I hope it didn't harm my chicks. We were without power about 5 hours
Just sick over it, we had all the right stuff, but most of it failed. Ugh! I feel so hopeless, you do all the planning and it doesn't work when you need it.
Is there any hope for the eggs or have I just lost all of my babies? Comments welcome, I am just heartbroken and worried I just killed all my babies
My broodys got off of their eggs when it was pretty cold outside and didn't kill all of them. I guess only time will tell. My first thought is could you keep a kerosene heater around that you could put in a small room to keep the temp you need? Would that work? I don't know much about it but that was my first thought. I keep a kerosene heater around for me "just in case" in the winter.

Please inform your partners in crime that due to their "thug like" behavior of mounting other less dominate roommates and ripping out their feathers, I have developed a severe craving for Golden Comet, Mashed potatoes and gravy, Cole slaw, and Baked beans. To think I won't cave to this craving could be fatal. On the other hand you may just want to keep it to yourself in hopes of being moved from the top position of the "meat bird" list by being replaced by a Golden Comet.

Greetings RC,

first thing this morning, I caught my broody in the act of stealing 2 freshly laid eggs... one blue, one cream. she's so funny.

outdoors today, finishing up the yard work. still have an acre to mow, but 2 acres are done and weed whacked and trimmed... it's lookin' good!

ETA broody V stole 2 more blue eggs by lunchtime. Mylee is over at Grammy's to swim and play with her Sister Haley. Grammy promised to take loads of pictures for me... then Haley will come here for the rest of the afternoon and evening to color and paint eggs! I've got all the supplies ready and waiting, including 3 dozen hard boiled eggs!
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Been up all night, we lost power due to the thunderstorms. I am just sick over it. Carried the incubators to the truck to keep them warm, the inverter won't support all of them. We have a generator thing that would not start. Battery backup failed in 2 hours. I have 3 incubators full of geese duck quail turkey and guinea.. oh my
over 200 birds! I buried the bators in blankets, and I hope it didn't harm my chicks. We were without power about 5 hours
Just sick over it, we had all the right stuff, but most of it failed. Ugh! I feel so hopeless, you do all the planning and it doesn't work when you need it.
Is there any hope for the eggs or have I just lost all of my babies? Comments welcome, I am just heartbroken and worried I just killed all my babies

Oh, how frustrating. I have heard many times that cooling doesn't necessarily kill the embryos, but a heat spike definitely will. Not sure if it matters how far along in the incubation you are. This happened to several folks on the N Cal thread, and most still had a decent hatch, but it did seem to delay it by a day or two. Sounds like you have some really great chicks coming. Hoping for the best for you.
JC, I'm with everyone else as well... may delay by a day, but you should be fine!

what a great day, very hot in the middle of the day, but so nice and breezy. got lots done, back garage is half cleaned out, the dome is half cleaned out, and the last pieces of maple trunk that were too heavy to move last year are moved. I had help... but lots of them dried out enough that I could roll them fairly easily. I put them around the existing line, to be used as needed and put 3 along the edge of the store bought coop. the birds have seriously undermined their own security by digging both inside and out. it's safe again.

Grammy brought Mylee home at suppertime, and her sister couldn't stay for egg coloring
but we had a great time and made some really pretty designs. Mylee has chowed down on 5 of them already (over a period of 3 hours) !

aww nuts! I have 6 other pics to add... and they won't load. maybe later... they all came out awesome, got some dark blue and purple and some with cool streaks...

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