Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Welcome talonstorm! Nice eggs. How many chickens do you have total?

TN where are the pictures???? I think those eggs had to have been incubating early on their own. What day # did the first one hatch? With a 21 day cycle even a day early is a lot!!! But I've had babies hatch 2 days early, so who knows. How do the hatcheries time it do well for a Monday hatch every week?

Well I was on a work trip since Monday and was so glad to get home today. Hubby took great care of the girls (and my one boy). He needs a name. He doesn't crow and he leaves everyone alone!! I think he's made it past his trial run.

One of the babies died but looked pretty bad Monday so I was expecting it. No idea why. She was fine for a week and then overnight just seemed to stop thriving . All others are doing fine and growing nicely. 4 are frizzled. I have a georgeous light blue ( or lavender) colored one. She (oh how I hope) is so pale it's almost translucent. Very striking. I'll have to take a pic next to the other blue one for comparison.

While I was gone hubby also fixed the floor of the well roof. The girls still lay up there and it was totally falling apart. He's so good.

I did come home to a skeevy surprise. Even tho squirt is sleeping in the coop she is laying in the outside pen. I grabbed the egg and it was covered in white mites!!!! Ahhhh!! Totally freaked!!! I moved the dog pen to the other side of the run. Spread some wood ash and DE down and then new bedding. Also rubbed some wood ash into the roosts. If it doesn't rain this weekend I'm going to have a fire outside all day to get more ash to clean both coops. I checked squirts, nuggets and a random EE for mites and saw nothing. I'm hoping it was just contained to the outside pen cause that is a little more exposed to weather and gets slightly damp when it rains. Squirt got some coconut oil rubbed on her hiney as a precaution. I'll keep my eye out.

I only had mites one other time and it was only in one nest box. Cleaning the nest and using the wood ash seemed to work then so I'm hopeful again.

As I read somewhere having the bugs is always going to happen around the outside and w animals. It's keeping the infestation from happening that is the important thing.

Hope all is well w you guys !! I'm lying in bed w my big puppy snuggled next to me. This is the pic I get from hubby while I'm away!!! UNDER the covers??????

Well its been a busy weekend but finally got a chance to let y'all know I now have 3ee, 1 OE, 1 ameraucana, 1 ccl. They are so sweet and fluffy!
This is my OE

And the other babies


They all are varying shades of gray since the father was a blue ameraucana and the mother of the ee’s is a buff Orpington.
Oh I'm making lasagna too! I'll have to check out that recipe. Hubby made homemade sauce this weekend.

Well no more mites on any eggs so that is good. But I think one of the silkies is broody AGAIN!!!!

I moved the babies outside to the little coop. They have a heat lamp and will be confined in it for a couple more weeks. If I call it a brooder instead of a coop do you think DH will let me get another coop? I'm thinking no!!! Lol

Cute pics TN!!! What was the hatch rate? I forget how many you started with.
Well out of 16 i got 6 :( but thats ok. About 7 of the ones that didnt hatch i opened and found only yolk. On the last 3 they were at the end and looked like they should've hatched but not sure why. I hate to think I did it by turning off the bator too soon.
the roof construction is happening! Handyman is proof that snow won't be an issue this year!

Chester helped...

from the inside - it's really nice. I need another roll of hardware cloth, will pick it up tomorrow - handyman will be back to do another section!

6 Eggs today

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