Should I mow yet? Or let the bees eat till spring breaks

Birdsong 82

Free Ranging
6 Years
Aug 17, 2017
Wasn’t sure if this is where I should post this question but seemed the closest to appropriate. In my area we’re going through the period right before spring where there’s frost most mornings but 60s and 70s in the afternoon. There are lots of weeds growing up amongst my lawn ( bout 41/2 to 5 acres combined) The grass is getting to the point where I should probably mow for the first time, but it seems the bees are loving, the ground ivy, nettle flowers and clover that has sprouted among my yard. I feel like I should wait to mow just to let them get in their nutrients until spring actually breaks, and there’s other things to feast upon. am I just being crazy or does that make sense?
Oh yes. I have a pollinator garden type area in the back. I little bit of grass near there I don’t mow especially since for the third year a tiny baby bunny has taken residence under the porch. They love the clovers too. And they are always tiny and don’t want to scare them or hurt them
I just love mowing… it’s my peaceful place but there’s no where else for the early bees to feast yet. Last frost here is usually early to mid may
If it doesn't bother you let the bees have at it. With 4.5-5 acres doesn't sound like a HOA will be on your back. Me, I'll cut when I feel like it, probably Memorial Day weekend. Bees start getting busy on local farm crops then anyway.

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