The Best First Breed :The Buff Orpington

Would you get a BO?

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In all seriousness, I also agree, post it on a different thread so others can see and help you with what happened to the chicken
Once upon a time I raised quite a few hatchery sourced BO.
Hens were pretty decent though they did tend to bully other hens.
But the roosters all had nasty attitudes.
I will never ever own another BO because of that.
Wonderful information on the breed, and an interesting read. :clap Good job putting everything together.

Just so happens one of the chicks in my very first (small) brood was a Buff Orp. :) She's rather...."blah," but overall not a bad bird. My Lavender rooster became human aggressive. A close family member owned at least 5 or 6 Orps, and not a personable individual in the lot.

Personally, for whatever it's worth, I consider Orpingtons rather low on my list. That said, I'm happy to hear there are some who've had great experiences and love them! :)


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