Should we try to adopt a neighbor’s chickens?

Don’t ever take birds you feel sorry for.

You would be basically doubling your flock. But it does sound like you the space, and if you can see them through the fence, no need to quarantine. There are roll away nests to protect eggs.
Don’t ever take birds you feel sorry for.

You would be basically doubling your flock. But it does sound like you the space, and if you can see them through the fence, no need to quarantine. There are roll away nests to protect eggs.
I have such a soft spot for them, but you are right, it could absolutely be one of the worst things a person ends up doing for a lot of reasons. I’ve seen horror stories, and I wouldn’t have done this if it wasn’t a chicken from close proximity. This was two years ago now, and this chicken ended up being one of the best decisions we made, luckily. And I don’t say that lightly, because we did get lucky with her.

It was tough, this didn’t come without hardships. She came over alone, and if I had been given the choice I wanted all of them. But it just happened to be her he wanted to cull while we were outside and it wasn’t in a nice way; he said he was going to bash her head in with a piece of wood. We said no, no just hand her over, and he did, so here she is. Like I said, though, we ended up very lucky, for a lot of reasons. She was healthy, she wasn’t an egg eater, wasn’t a bully, wasn’t too meek…anyways I’m just rambling now…I just had to update this thread because after being here two years I just wanted everyone to know what a wonderful addition she is.

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